Unusual events are happening worldwide and the WEF has issued a chilling warning!

As Bible prophecy continues to unfold, we’re witnessing an increasing number of unusual events around the globe. Today, I’ll present 11 examples of these strange occurrences. Additionally, the World Economic Forum has issued a chilling warning about shocking future events. Could these developments be leading us toward the scenario described in Scripture—a one-world leader who will control the global economy, religion, and governance? Tune in to explore these possibilities!

Dina Amelia Kalmeta reports on World Events as they pertain to Bible Prophecy, as well as US Politics and various Christian News pieces.Dina Amelia Kalmeta covers global events, particularly those related to Bible prophecy, as well as U.S. politics and Christian news. Prior to her work with CWW7NEWS/Your New Life in Christ Ministries, Dina was a leader with INCHRIST NETWORK, where she led online teams in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To date, Dina has reached over 16 million people across her various social media platforms, sharing the Gospel and Bible prophecy news. She looks forward to reaching even more in the future. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, MEWE, USA.Life, YouTube, Bitchute, and Rumble.

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