Collisions could increase chance of ‘God of Destruction’ asteroid Apophis hitting Earth

A chance encounter with another asteroid could steer Apophis destructively close to Earth during a future passage.

On Friday, 13, 2029, Earth will have a fascinating and intimidating visitor in the form of the “God of Destruction” asteroid Apophis. The asteroid — named after the Egyptian serpent god of chaos and destruction Apep — is so large and will pass within 19,000 miles (30,600 kilometers) of Earth, so close to our planet that it could be visible to the naked eye. 

New research has suggested that if other much smaller space rocks hit Apophis, the asteroid, which is almost as wide as the Empire State Building is tall, could be redirected, and Earth might not be narrowly missed by it during subsequent passages or in extreme circumstances, even during the 2029 passage. But don’t panic just yet. 

Research author Paul Wiegert, an astronomer at the University of Western Ontario, told that the odds of a dangerous asteroid strike on Apophis are very low. “The odds are essentially 1 in a million that an asteroid strike could deflect Apophis enough to put it in danger of a future post-2029 collision, and only 1 in a billion that it could send Apophis colliding with Earth in 2029,” he said. “I calculated the odds of asteroid Apophis, whose current path is computed to take it near but safely past our planet in 2029, being deflected onto a more dangerous path by an unexpected small asteroid impact,” Wiegert explained. “These are the same kind of small asteroids that occasionally appear in our atmosphere as ‘shooting stars‘ or ‘fireballs’ and could strike Apophis just as unexpectedly.”

Dina Amelia Kalmeta reports on World Events as they pertain to Bible Prophecy, as well as US Politics and various Christian News pieces.Dina Amelia Kalmeta covers global events, particularly those related to Bible prophecy, as well as U.S. politics and Christian news. Prior to her work with CWW7NEWS/Your New Life in Christ Ministries, Dina was a leader with INCHRIST NETWORK, where she led online teams in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To date, Dina has reached over 16 million people across her various social media platforms, sharing the Gospel and Bible prophecy news. She looks forward to reaching even more in the future. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, MEWE, USA.Life, YouTube, Bitchute, and Rumble.

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