On Friday, appearing on Fox & Friends to respond to President Biden’s statement requiring businesses with over 100 employees to “ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work,” Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro stated that his company would “use every method and resource at our disposal to defy the president’s unconstitutional order.”

“I think that he’s made a huge tactical legal blunder here,” Shapiro said. “I think that there’s every possibility that something like this goes to the Supreme Court level, and suddenly we see a complete rewriting of the administrative state because Joe Biden couldn’t get his act in order,” and blasting, “Joe Biden couldn’t get his act in order, and so he decided to issue a tyrannical and authoritarian order here.”

Fox’s Steve Doocy asked, “Ben, your company’s got over 100 employees. So what are you going to do? Are you going to listen to the president, everybody gonna roll up their sleeves or are you going to take a different approach?”

“Of course not,” Shapiro responded. “We’re going to use every method and resource at our disposal to defy the president’s unconstitutional order. And this is coming from somebody who’s very pro-vaccine. I was vaccinated as soon as possible; I’ve encouraged everybody to get the vaccine, or pretty much everybody to get the vaccine. And the notion that the federal government has the ability to force every business in America with over 100 employees — by the way, I’m not sure why it’s over 100 employees, theoretically, it should be every business in America because you can get infected anywhere — every business in America with over 100 employees to either force its employees to vaccinate or force them to test every week or fire them presumably … He said; he came into office saying, ‘I’m not going to shut down the economy; I’m not going to shut down the country; I’m going to shut down the virus,’ he failed to shut down the virus so now he’s going to shut down the economy and the country apparently.”

Co-host Ainsley Earhardt asked, “Well, Ben, he says that businesses who refuse will be fined $14,000 per violation. Your CEO said that you will use legal action to resist, in a tweet. Are you prepared for this?”

“We are,” Shapiro responded. “We are staffing up right now on the legal side. We are already getting any lawsuit ready that needs to be gotten ready. We have to see the actual regulations, know the details of that lawsuit. What we can tell you is that the provisions that Joe Biden is going to be citing under OSHA are wildly overbroad. And frankly, I think that he’s made a huge tactical legal blunder here. I think that there’s every possibility that something like this goes to the Supreme Court level, and suddenly we see a complete rewriting of the administrative state because Joe Biden couldn’t get his act in order, and so he decided to issue a tyrannical and authoritarian order here.”

Co-host Brian Kilmeade noted, “Also, you had an interesting tweet which is getting a lot of news; you said, “Maybe if we tell Joe Biden that the Taliban isn’t vaccinated he’ll get just as mad at them.” Does it astound you, in all seriousness, that his anger is focused on the unvaccinated in America, as small a percentage as that is, and not on the terrorist regime that has taken over a country and the embarrassment that he’s caused our nation?”

“We’re not even a year into this presidency and this is a failed president on every level and so he’s attempting to redirect all of the ire at his presidency at your fellow Americans,” Shapiro answered. “You’re supposed to be angry at your neighbor for not vaccinating if you’re vaccinated, even though Joe Biden himself yesterday said that your unvaccinated neighbor effectively poses no threat to you. Instead, Joe Biden wants you to be angry at that neighbor as opposed to him.”