You have just finished working out at the gym. You begin to head towards the locker room when the public TV mounted on the wall announces the emergency broadcast system and is making an know those “we interrupt the normal programming of this television station to bring you a special report”….The last time you seen something like this was on 9/11…when the towers were attacked…but this seems more erry than that.

No One will understand completely what is happening

You stand in fear waiting as you assume President Trump is going to appear and make an announcement. “We have just been notified by our top scientists at NASA that a large object is headed towards earth and they expect it to be a direct hit. NASA confirms that in 24 hours, a asteroid will impact the earth at the pacific ocean. We expect a large Tsunami of epic size to hit the west coast of the United States.

At this time, we are requesting without compromise that you evacuate the entire area of the west coast from Oregon, Washington State, California and to drive inland at least 50 miles”

NASA will not be prepared for what’s next

This fictional couple of paragraphs is really not fictional at all. It is the all too familiar reality that you have been left behind after the Rapture of the Church. You have found yourself in denial, and then things begin to sink in with the continued announcements that seem to be coming one after another…when just a few years ago things were peaceful and the people that went missing were finally being explained away as to the reason why. The reality is, a large asteroid is going to hit the Pacific ocean and they want to evacuate the entire west coast 50 miles inland in 24 hours…

And you see mass chaos. NASA Predicts that because of the size and velocity of the Asteroid, it will cause a Tsunami about the size of the Empire State Building to hit the west coast. You live in Portland, Oregon and your roughly 45 miles from the coast…so you convince yourself that you’ll be ok. The reality of this event, which is foretold in Revelation 8:8 In-Context 8:The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9: a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed….it all seems like a series of events being unleashed on earth, and those that have been left behind to endure them.

Can you still be saved from all of this?

The Great Tribulation foretold in the Bible is what’s happening while you remain here on earth. It all started in Israel, and now its being felt all over the world.

Now that you realize what you are up against, and you recall what all those friends and family told you about, you open the book of Revelation, and you read about souls that were in white robes, who were slain during the time of Great Tribulation. you read..

“Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds from blowing so that not a leaf rustled in the trees, and the ocean became as smooth as glass. And I saw another angel coming from the east, carrying the Great Seal of the Living God. And he shouted out to those four angels who had been given power to injure earth and sea, “Wait! Don’t do anything yet—hurt neither earth nor sea nor trees—until we have placed the Seal of God upon the foreheads of his servants.”

4-8 How many were given this mark? I heard the number—it was 144,000; out of all twelve tribes of Israel, as listed here:


After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from all nations and provinces and languages, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white, with palm branches in their hands. 10 And they were shouting with a mighty shout, “Salvation comes from our God upon the throne, and from the Lamb.”

11 And now all the angels were crowding around the throne and around the Elders and the four Living Beings, and falling face down before the throne and worshiping God. 12 “Amen!” they said. “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be to our God forever and forever. Amen!”

13 Then one of the twenty-four Elders asked me, “Do you know who these are, who are clothed in white, and where they come from?”

14 “No, sir,” I replied. “Please tell me.”

“These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation,” he said; “they washed their robes and whitened them by the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are here before the throne of God, serving him day and night in his temple. The one sitting on the throne will shelter them; 16 they will never be hungry again, nor thirsty, and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat. 17 For the Lamb standing in front of the throne[a] will feed them and be their Shepherd and lead them to the springs of the Water of Life. And God will wipe their tears away.”

You finally understand now what must happen. If you plan on seeing your parents again who faithfully told you nearly all your adult life that Christ is real, and that he is coming soon…you must die for your salvation and forgiveness in Christ, or accept the Anti Christ world dominating mark of the beast. It’s all going to happen much sooner than you believe.