A Message from God

Join us today and listen to this amazing testimony of Retha Mc Pherson as she shares her son’s (Aldo) supernatural experience of going to Heaven and meeting Jesus, angels, Moses and Abraham and he came back to earth with one message: “Jesus is Alive!” An episode you will not want to miss! Find her book on Amazon and read the entire story!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Message-God-Retha-McPherson-ebook/dp/B0051GN8C0/ref=sr_1_1?crid=RPSPFM6HOZ4J&keywords=a+message+from+God&qid=1653938944&sprefix=a+message+from+god%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-1

Website: https://www.retahmcpherson.com/