On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said that as a result of “Biden’s rushed, disorganized withdrawal. We left behind those who we should have gotten out and...
The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has passed a bill that would legally protect a woman’s right to have an abortion. However, the vote was a tight one, and Republicans were outraged at its passage. The Women’s...
Border Patrol agents are reportedly furious with President Joe Biden’s comments on a debunked claim that some agents were whipping migrants at the border. Biden on Friday addressed claims that Border Patrol agents on horseback were...
Long-awaited and engulfed in controversy from start to finish, the Arizona Senate's election audit gave America a split decision while leaving the question of whether illicit ballots were improperly cast or counted to the state’s...
Progressive Democrats on Tuesday pressured the party to remove $1 billion for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system from a bill to keep the United States government funded. The funds are widely expected to be approved,...
DEL RIO, Texas — The population of the migrant camp under the local international bridge fell to just over 9,100 after Texas DPS troopers and National Guardsmen effectively closed border crossing points from Mexico. State...
Joe Biden’s poll numbers in Iowa have plummeted in recent months, and nearly two-thirds of residents now disapprove of his job performance, according to a recent poll. In a Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa poll released Tuesday, 62% of...
The Wisconsin Office of Special Counsel released a video on Monday outlining the “parameters of investigation” into the 2020 election. Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gablemen, who was appointed as special counsel by Wisconsin...
Family members of January 6 protesters who are or have been incarcerated at the Washington, DC, jail shared disturbing accounts of alleged mistreatment by authorities during Saturday’s “Justice for J6” rally. “Last night for dinner, they...
It's reported that no disciplinary action is expected over a grave error made by the US military after a drone strike in Afghanistan killed 10 civilians, seven of them being children, in late August. https://twitter.com/LucasFoxNews/status/1438936911259779080?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1438936911259779080%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthepostmillennial.com%2Fno-disciplinary-action-expected-after-us-drone-strike Pentagon correspondent...