China, Russia send naval warships near Alaska-Chinas control of US Food Supply-Russia Strikes near NATO

You will hear the following in this Report:

Russia Now Conducting Strikes Just 200 Yards From NATO’s Eastern Frontier
Ukrainian sea drone hits SECOND Russian warship in 24 hours
White House Claims Russia Looking to Buy North Korean Munitions to Fight Ukraine
Poland Says it Fears Provocations by Russia and Belarus on NATO’s Eastern Flank
Scientists to World Leaders: Eliminate Your Nukes ‘Before They Eliminate Us’
Russia Doubles 2023 Defense Spending to over $100 Billion
EU state threatens to close border with Russia’s main ally
China, Russia send naval warships near Alaska, triggering forceful US response
Russia Launches Retaliatory Strikes on Ukraine After Black Sea Tanker Drone Attack
How China’s Push To Control U.S. Food Supply Prepares It for War with Taiwan
Iran responds to US military moves with more firepower
US considering armed response to Iran’s ship seizures
Syria says four soldiers killed in alleged Israeli airstrike on Damascus