It’s pretty clear that smartphones will soon be getting even smarter. In the mid 2000s, mobile phones could only do a tiny fraction of the things that their modern counterparts are capable of. Now, thanks to a number of recent technological advancements, it looks as though there will be no shortage of new smartphone features in the future to keep us evermore attached to our little digital devices. Here are 12 you should watch out for.
Some of the ways your cell phone will evolve into the really soon.
While most current smartphone screens are capable of displaying a wide range of incredibly saturated colors, most of them don’t adapt too well to varying light conditions. Research and development is now pointing to photonic crystals as the answer to this limitation.
Instead of giving off bright light like LCD or OLED displays, a photonic crystal display features nanostructures that adapt and modify themselves according to the amount of ambient light in a given environment. Although the photonic screen requires an external light source in order to be visible, this could easily be integrated into the body of the phone just like it is in e-readers like the Kindle Paperwhite.
To give you an idea of how close this technology is to market, Apple and Google have been making some pretty big investments in photonics, and, back in 2013, Samsung had already demonstrated the concept of a flexible phone that utilized a photonic crystal display. Chances are we’ll start seeing these displays put into smartphones within the next few years.

These phones will be connected to almost every vital part of your life. From navigation, to health, to finances, to school, your kids, diagnosis of your health, and what most have connections to government, rfid chips, nano technology, and other developments that will make the heads spin of those that have them.
NANO tech batteries
In 2015, at the Mobile World Congress event, Israeli tech company StoreDot revealed a customized Samsung Galaxy S5 with a nano technology-utilizing battery that could charge from 0 to 100 percent in less than a minute.
Israel Leads the way
The technology evolved out of research being conducted in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Through their study, scientists learned that peptide molecules, which are responsible for the disease, have an incredibly high capacitance—making them excellent little electrical storage units. The only catch is that, in its current state of development, the StoreDot battery only lasts about two-thirds of the time of a conventional lithium-ion smartphone battery. However, it shouldn’t take too long for the company to improve the technology. StoreDot has already received substantial investments from Samsung, and is in discussions with manufacturers about integrating its battery into future smartphones.
Liquid Buttons
Years ago it was the norm that most phones had physical keyboards and any mobile device without one seemed “out of touch.” But currently the opposite is true, and most people think that tactile keyboards look old-fashioned. Well, that’s all set to change again thanks to Tactus Technology and their development of a keyboard that looks like it came from some sort of advanced alien civilization.
The keyboard uses special microfluidics technology which drives small amounts of liquid into invisible pockets that rest over the typing pad on a smartphone. When the user brings up the touchscreen keyboard, the pockets instantly fill with liquid which has the effect of physically raising the buttons. The technology has already been incorporated into a new Phorm case for the iPad Mini, but it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to see it directly built in to future smartphones and tablets. These phones will have a more 3 d display that will interact with its user in efficient ways when communicating, transferring, or completing voice activation commands.

The Bible in great detail discusses the knowledge that will ensue as man advances into a “Golden Age” but was shut as the prophet Daniel was told to seal up the book until the time of the end. No one has examined this request by GOD to Daniel and has attempted to align that statement with a modern day application and advancement. In the Bible, Daniel was told to seal a book until the time of the end in Daniel 12:4 This verse is part of a prophecy given to Daniel by an angelic figure.
Seal the book until the time of the end
What does it mean?
- Daniel was told to keep the words secret and preserve the prophecies.
- He was to be discreet about who he shared the visions with.
- The restriction would expire at “the time of the end”.
What happens at the time of the end?
- Many people will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.
- Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise.
- There will be great distress, but those whose names are written will be saved.
- The dead will awaken to everlasting shame or life.
Who gave Daniel the vision?
The prophet Daniel was given a vision of Judah’s future by a mysterious visitor—the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus.
Daniel’s Vision and the sealing of the book, may be in reference also to Rev Chapter 10. These last days shall, at times, reflect the difficult days of Antiochus IV’s persecution of the Jews, as Daniel’s visitor explains, “and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time.” The phrase “time of trouble” appears throughout the Old Testament as a period of great difficulty for God’s people, which requires YHWH’s immediate act of deliverance–which, of course, comes to pass.[2] Jesus uses this same phrase in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21) when teaching his disciples about the events soon to come to pass, as well when speaking of events off in the distant future associated with his return–such as that found in Matthew 24:29–31: