The Great Falling Away

In this JESUS 24/7 Show, Dina Kalmeta and Susan Davis look at statistics that reflect what the Bible describes as the “Great Falling Away” of the church. There are many reasons to believe we are in the end times and that JESUS is coming soon, but this data really drives the point home. Join us as we interpret the meaning of statistics of the lost churches.

Dina Amelia Kalmeta reports on World Events as they pertain to Bible Prophecy, as well as US Politics and various Christian News pieces. Before CWW7NEW/Your New Life in Christ Ministries, Dina served as a Leader for INCHRIST NETWORK leading teams online and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Currently, Dina has reached almost 16 Million people on her various social media sites with the Gospel and Bible Prophecy News and she hopes to continue to reach many more in the near future. Join her on her many social media sites at: Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, GAB, MEWE, USA.Life, Youtube, Bitchute and Rumble. If you feel led, please donate to her ministry so that she continue to do this very important work on a full-time basis.

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